Following a butterfly: Carolina Kostner

You know what?

We feel we need a moment – a moment of beauty, grace, emotions, of skating back to essence – before we go along with the competitions of 2023/2024 season.

Which has already started – with the Junior Grand Prix events happening every week, with senior skaters debuting their programs at the Challenger Series events (take 2023 Lombardia Trophy, for example, where Carolina Kostner accompanied her student, the Japanese Yuma Kagiyama. Starting this season, Carolina has joined Masakazu Kagiyama, Yuma’s father, in coaching the 2022 Olympic silver medalist).

But until the hustle and bustle of the season properly starts, we still have some time for a pause.

For an inhale.

For Carolina Kostner skating to “Golden Butterflies” – music by Ludovico Einaudi, choreography by Lori Nichol – at Cinema on Ice, this February, in Palavela, Torino.

Do stay here for a while.

Your heart will follow the dance of the butterfly that Carolina is.

[Intro by Florentina Tone/photos by Alberto Ponti]


Carolina Kostner: „I had to go back to my roots to find peace in my skating”

Carolina Kostner: “I can search for my own best version, and then that’s my gift”