Category Archives: Minsk 2019

Team Papadakis-Cizeron-Haguenauer. Journey to the Top

World renowned coach and choreographer, one of the main figures at Ice Academy of Montreal, Romain Haguenauer is commonly referred to as the longtime coach of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. But not just that.…

Nostalgia – and a promise. The promise we’ll keep Javier Fernández in our hearts

This being the first skating season without Javier Fernández in 14 years, we chose to go down memory lane, right before the buzz, the effervescence of the Grand Prix season starts. We won’t go that…

Emmi Peltonen: “I always knew that skating was my thing”

…and how could she not? Emmi comes from a family where skating, in whichever form, reigns supreme. Last year, during the Olympics in South Korea, she made the news with being the third generation of…

Javier Fernández’s farewell – and the other big moments of the Europeans

Years and years from now, when thinking about 2019 Europeans, what will come to your mind first? You know the answer to this one: King of Europe saying goodbye to his people, loyal friends and…