Category Archives: 2014 Cup of China

Team Papadakis-Cizeron-Haguenauer. Journey to the Top

World renowned coach and choreographer, one of the main figures at Ice Academy of Montreal, Romain Haguenauer is commonly referred to as the longtime coach of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. But not just that.…

The gold in the ice dancing event at Cup of China, a French affair

Surely, this year’s edition of Cup of China will be mostly remembered for the terrible accident involving Yuzuru Hanyu and Han Yan – and Inside Skating discussed here the dramatic unfolding of the events. Letting…

If Worlds were tomorrow… (2)

Rankings according to the scores received at Skate America, Skate Canada and Cup of China by the athletes participating at these three Grand Prix events. Inside Skating will update these rankings weekly. by Florentina Tone

So what do we learn out of the accident involving Yuzuru Hanyu and Han Yan?

Writing or talking about figure skating, we, the sports journalists, tend to use too often (and too easy) the word “drama” and its variations, commonly referring to the way the skaters enter their roles during…