Category Archives: 2021-2022 SEASON

Adam Siao Him Fa, ready for the next 8 years of his career

France’s Adam Siao Him Fa has just finished the first World Championships of his career – literally: we’re doing this interview in the Media Lounge while in the arena the men’s medal ceremony is under…

Team Papadakis-Cizeron-Haguenauer. Journey to the Top

World renowned coach and choreographer, one of the main figures at Ice Academy of Montreal, Romain Haguenauer is commonly referred to as the longtime coach of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. But not just that.…

Wenjing Sui and Cong Han. Olympic gold, to crown a fabulous career

Embed from Getty Images For once in the last couple of days, the noise surrounding the figure skating competition at 2022 Olympics fell silent – and all people, skating fans, observers and skaters altogether joined…

Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron: “We are going for the gold and we really believe in that goal”

A keen, palpable sense of anticipation surrounded Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron’s return to competitive ice, after what has been the longest pause between events they’ve ever experienced. But don’t be fooled by words like…

PHOTOS. Gabriella Papadakis & Guillaume Cizeron: the Olympic programs

What is this? A photo-journey into the long-anticipated return of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron to competitive ice. With their last event in Graz, at 2020 Europeans, followed by l’année blanche, 2020-2021, with no competitions…