Category Archives: 2014 SOCHI

Something is rotten in the state of Sochi: analyzing Ladies’ short program

The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi reached an end last night – but what stays in the minds of many is the huge controversy in the ladies’ figure skating event, showing resemblance to the pairs’…

The Ladies’ Final: an Olympic masquerade

Let me tell just that: I congratulate myself for not spending a fortune in order to watch the Ladies’ Olympic event live, in Sochi; I would have died a little. To put it bluntly, nights…

Olympic pressure took its toll: Mao Asada, 16th after the short program

To tell you the truth, I’m an emotional wreck right now. I’m absolutely thrilled for Carolina Kostner – what an amazing short program she performed in Sochi, I’m equally enthusiastic for the Olympic comeback of…

Ice dancing or speed skating?

Taking this picture, a month ago, at the Europeans in Budapest, I might have laughed a little. “Well, this is funny” – I said to myself while watching the focused faces of Barbara Fusar Poli…

A historical gold for Japan and a golden coach: Brian Orser

This title might cover the biggest part of the Men’s final in Sochi – but, let me tell you, there’s more to it than that. Here’s a short list of firsts (and repeats). by Florentina…