INSIDE OUR PHOTO-ARCHIVE: 2023 Finlandia Trophy
Let us brag: Inside Skating photo-archive is a gold mine. Literally. If you close your eyes and choose a photo, any photo, it turns out you picked a great one – you can’t go wrong.…
Let us brag: Inside Skating photo-archive is a gold mine. Literally. If you close your eyes and choose a photo, any photo, it turns out you picked a great one – you can’t go wrong.…
Alena Kostornaia, Anna Shcherbakova and Alexandra Trusova have been dominating the skating world this season – their first season in seniors – and there were no doubts they would conquer the podium at 2020 Europeans…
…and how could she not? Emmi comes from a family where skating, in whichever form, reigns supreme. Last year, during the Olympics in South Korea, she made the news with being the third generation of…
Years and years from now, when thinking about 2019 Europeans, what will come to your mind first? You know the answer to this one: King of Europe saying goodbye to his people, loyal friends and…