Tag Archives: Junhwan Cha Inside Skating

(Hi)Stories made in Saitama, at 2023 World Championships

We called them (Hi)Stories – because history was made by so many skaters in Saitama, at this year’s edition of the World Championships, and so many athletes, coaches, teams and federations have a reason to…

Men’s short program at the Olympics? We’re in awe!

They say you can’t win a competition with your short program only – but you may just lose the actual chance to fight for the gold. by Florentina Tone It was the case with skating…

Brian Orser: “As a mature skater, you’re not gonna win every competition. Pick your battles”

No doubt about it: interviewing Brian Orser is always a precious, insightful experience, a door opened to his mind and work philosophy. And this particular conversation, taking place in Moscow, during this year’s edition of…