Tag Archives: Mai Mihara

Ferragosto in Varese: the Japanese skaters started their journey to 2026 Milano Cortina

“Buon Ferragosto”, they say in Italy on August 15th, celebrating the beautiful days of summer (and the nostalgia surrounding the fast approaching end of it…) – and for the people in Varese, northern Italy, Ferragosto…

Photos that you feel. Women and their stories at 2022 Grand Prix of Espoo

These photos are here because we like them – and because we want to share them with you before new season starts. They carry meaning, purpose and intention – they come to you through gestures…

(Hi)Stories made in Saitama, at 2023 World Championships

We called them (Hi)Stories – because history was made by so many skaters in Saitama, at this year’s edition of the World Championships, and so many athletes, coaches, teams and federations have a reason to…

Photos that you feel. 2022 MK John Wilson Trophy

To tell you the truth, we’ve become very attached to this particular way of showing you photos from the Grand Prix circuit – those photos that speak to us, and hopefully speak to you as…

Backstage photos at 2017 Cup of China. Key word: smiles

We know you’re going to like these photos – not just because they’re beautiful photos of beautiful people, but also because they were taken backstage, in the “kitchen” of the event, off-limits for fans. And…