Tag Archives: Piper Gilles

Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier: “Going into this year, the focus was: Find joy”

On the ice, Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier are some of the most flamboyant skaters out there. Portraying their characters to the fingertips, being one with them as soon as they step on the ice,…

The ice dancing event at 2015 Worlds: utter joy

This is not about points, nor about medals – no need to talk about them three months after the Worlds. This is, in fact, a photo-story that captures the emotions, a colorful recap of the…

Paul Poirier: “This year for us is all about making a statement”

I’ll raise an imaginary hat to Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier for their free dance in Kelowna, at this year’s edition of Skate Canada. A well-deserved silver medal for these incredibly gifted skaters – their…

If Worlds were tomorrow… (2)

Rankings according to the scores received at Skate America, Skate Canada and Cup of China by the athletes participating at these three Grand Prix events. Inside Skating will update these rankings weekly. by Florentina Tone

The dancing stories of Skate Canada International

Looking back at this year’s edition of Skate Canada, I see the majestic short dance of Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje (the matador and his muleta), the playful free dance of Piper Gilles and Paul…