Tag Archives: Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov

2015 Cup of China: Welcome back, Princess. Inside Skating gold medal goes to…

Deciding on the highlight of this year’s edition of Cup of China might prove difficult – to say the least. Was it the comeback of Mao Asada, the Japanese lady who won the gold in…

2015 Worlds: Goodbye, Shanghai!

Late as it might be, and with the 2015/2016 skating season already on track, we are bringing you the joy, the colors of the Gala in Shanghai. We’re in Shanghai Oriental Sports Center, on March…

“Ice Stories”: a figure skating gala to welcome spring in St. Petersburg

Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov, Adelina Sotnikova, Maxim Kovtun, Ivan Righini and many skaters from Elena Berezhnaya’s “St. Petersburg Ice Theatre” were all in Yubileyny Sports Palace, on March 6th, in a figure skating show…

2015 Europeans in Stockholm: gold for a program like no other in the pairs event this season

In 1969, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 27-year-old Tamara Moskvina and 27-year-old Alexei Mishin took the bronze medal in the pairs event at the Europeans, in what remained in history as the first Russian sweep in the discipline…

2014 NHK Trophy: no butterflies and hurricanes at GPF in Barcelona

The final Grand Prix event of the season, the Japanese NHK Trophy, was truly an emotional roller coaster: having probably one of the most innovative free dance of the season – starring the helpless blue…