Io sono un Caro-fan

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It took me some time to understand, but I can now say it loud and clear: Io sono un Caro-fan. And I’m truly sorry for all the years I’ve overlooked Carolina, saying she’s too young, too lyrical, too emotional… Actually, she has been nothing but wonderful all through the years, but I’ve been blind; and now I see. Carolina is like a cloud on skates; a dream; a feather. During the last three seasons, she never ceased to amaze me, to give me shivers, to touch my heart. In Budapest I was once again overwhelmed by her grace when skating “Ave Maria”, by her sensuality and power when dancing the “Bolero”. For my part, these Championships were all about this incredibly talented Italian skater – and though she didn’t win her sixth European crown, her performance was truly golden to me. Grazie di cuore, Carolina.

by Florentina Tone

Here’s the story of the ladies’ free program in Budapest when it comes to Carolina. In a way, the leitmotif of the night was the embrace: Carolina embracing Adelina, as if she were an older sister telling the little one: “Don’t you worry, your time will come…”; Michael Huth embracing Carolina, in an attempt to assure her that everything is ok; Carolina warmly embraced by her mother, Patrizia (do watch this particular video in case you haven’t seen it by now; you’ll love it). And if I could, I would have embraced Carolina too. Hopefully, a month from now, there’ll be another reason for embraces: an Olympic medal.

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